Sunday 15 May 2011

   It is 2:44 and I'm writing an essay. These are busy days for me with all these exams and thoughts in my head and with this decision I have to make. Yet I found this awesome blogging site for the 4th time, so decided to register eventually. My thoughts, both wise and uber-stupid, are precious to me. Most of them are got forgotten and occasionally I recall them. I recall memories of places and people and I  realise that I'm getting older. But it doesn't make me feel wiser. I still make mistakes I did in the past, I sometimes don't understand things I did before. May be it is because I don't keep records as good as I need to.
   There were some great people in my life, there were some great places I have been, colours I have seen, odours I have smelled. That is really pity I can't draw. I would love to draw his hand, her eyes and clouds of the form only I can notice. At least I should've written it down. Because I feel too many dejavus. There are no that many dejavus, but there are too many forgotten memories.
  I need to go, bye, xxx